Non-discrimination Title VI
In accordance with Title II of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, it is the intention of the City of Vero Beach Airport (Airport) to provide access to all public facilities, programs and services associated with its operation of the City of Vero Beach airport to all persons with disabilities.
City of Vero Beach Airport is committed to providing accessible facilities for all passengers, employees and other members of the public including members of the under served community. The City of Vero Beach Airport affirms its commitment to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in employment in addition to all services available to the public.
No person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, or sex shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of, or otherwise subject to discrimination of services, programs, and employment provided by the City of Vero Beach Airport.
City of Vero Beach Airport Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator
The City of Vero Beach Airport ADA Coordinator is Administrative Manager Lee-Anna Otis, lotis@covb.org, 772-978-4930 x 101 or by mail at Business Specialist Lee-Anna Otis, City of Vero Beach Airport 3400 Cherokee Drive, Vero Beach, Florida 32960.
The City of Vero Beach ADA Coordinator is Human Resources Director Gabrielle Manus who may be reached by email at gmanus@covb.org, or by phone 772-978-4911, or by mail at the City of Vero Beach, 1053 20th Place, Vero Beach, Florida 32961. If an individual believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination, he or she should contact either the Airport ADA Coordinator or the City of Vero Beach ADA Coordinator.
Grievance Procedure Under Title II, The Americans with Disabilities Act
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that public entities adopt and publish grievance procedures to assure the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints. The purpose of this ADA grievance procedures to resolve as promptly as possible any problems, complaints, or conflicts related to the City’s ADA compliance without the need for the complainant to resort to other remedies available under law.
Grievance Procedure Summary
To file a grievance alleging denial of access to a City of Vero Beach Airport program or service based upon a disability, a patron should complete the ADA Complaint Form and forward it to the Airport or City ADA Coordinator, pursuant to the contact information provided on the form. The grievant should provide information about the alleged discrimination, including the name, address, and phone number of the grievant and location, date, and description of the problem.
Once the completed form has been received, the City and Airport ADA Coordinators will identify and implement a resolution within 15 business days of receipt of the completed form. If the resolution is not to the party’s satisfaction, it may be appealed, within 30 days, in writing, from the receipt of the City and Airport ADA Coordinators’ decision.
The complaint should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 60 days after the alleged violation. Please click here to download the ADA Complaint Form.