Pilot Information
The Vero Beach Regional (VRB) is a public use commercial service airport, with FAR Part 139 certification. The airport maintains three lighted runways, which handle approximately 185,000 annual take-offs and landings. Aircraft range in size from small general aviation aircraft to large corporate jets.
Hours of Operation
The airport is a public facility that is open for use by aircraft 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Airport Facilities

12L/30R 3504 x 75
4/22 4974 x 100
12R/30L 7314 x 100
Medium intensity runway lighting - all runways
Medium intensity taxiway lighting
Navigation Aids
PAPI - Runways 4/22, 12R/30L and 12L/30R
REIL - Runways 4/22 and 12R/30L
Rotating Beacon
Pilot controlled lighting after hours
TRV VORTAC 3.5 nautical miles northwest of the airfield
Instrumental Approaches
During low visibility conditions, three published instrument approaches guide pilots safely with minimums as low as 293 feet with one-mile visibility.
VOR/DME approach to Runway 30L; VOR approach to Runway 12R
RNAV (GPS) Runway 12R
RNAV (GPS) Runway 30L
RNAV (GPS) Runway 4
RNAV (GPS) Runway 22
Air Traffic Control
An FAA Air Traffic Control Tower is operational from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
365 days a year
24-Hour patrol by Vero Beach Police Department
Access control/badging system
AOPA Airport Watch Program
Full security perimeter fencing
Security Floodlight System
TSA Complete Security Program
An on-site Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Station is readily accessible to attend to aviation related emergencies at the airport. The emergency personnel have FAR Part 139, Class I Index B.
Commercial Airline Service
Vero Beach Regional is now offering commercial airline service. Please visit Breeze Airways to book your flight. Melbourne International Airport, Orlando International Airport, and Palm Beach International Airport also offer commercial airline services, please visit them directly. Aircraft charter service is available locally at the Vero Beach Airport through one of our Fixed Base Operators.
Hours of Operation
The Airport is a public facility that is open for use by aircraft 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Airport Director's Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 772-978-4930.
Voluntary Noise Abatement Program
For information on this program, click here (includes links to a Voluntary Noise Abatement Brochure).
Airport Communications
ASOS 120.575
CTAF 126.3
ATIS 120.575
UNICOM 122.95
RCO 122.2 (St. Petersburg)
Palm Beach Approach / Departure 123.625 (North)
Tower 126.3
Ground 127.45
Clearance Delivery 134.975
Parking Facilities
For your convenience free on-site parking is available.
Rental Car Services
Weather Conditions
Click here to view the weather conditions for our area as provided by the National Weather Service.